CSE Indices

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The CSE Composite Index is a broad indicator of market activity for the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE). With approximately 75% coverage of all equities listed on the CSE it is a uniquely positioned gauge of the Canadian small cap market. The index provides a distinctly different risk/return profile than the broad Canadian equity market.

The CSE25 Index is a subset of the CSE Composite Index. It contains the securities of the twenty-five largest index companies by market capitalization. This sub-index contains over 52.75% of the total weight of the Composite Index.


Index Methodology


The CSE Composite Index follows a set of rules which are published on the CSE website. The index is administered by Solactive AG as the calculation agent. Solactive calculates indices for 350 clients in Europe, America and Asia. The index policies and procedures are maintained by an Index Committee. The committee, in its sole discretion determines how policies and procedures are interpreted and over time may update the policies and procedures of the index if deemed necessary. 

For a detailed description of the methodology, click here: CSE Composite Index Methodology

The CSE25 Index follows the same methodology because it is a sub-index of the CSE Composite Index.


Index Maintenance


The index will be rebalanced quarterly on the third Friday in each of March, June, September and December.  The index will be reconstituted based on eligibility criteria and deletion criteria, and the number of shares adjusted for index constituents on the rebalance date. Constituents removed from the index between rebalance dates due to an extended halt, suspension or delisting will not be replaced until the next rebalance date..


Criteria for Index Additions


Listing - Companies must be listed on the CSE and trade in Canadian dollars.
Size - Only securities with a minimum market capitalization of $5 million are eligible for inclusion.
Seasoning Requirement - A security is not eligible for inclusion for the first rebalance of the index after its listing. However, a security is exempt from this minimum listing period if either of the following apply:

  • The security was listed on a recognized exchange in Canada immediately prior to its listing on the CSE; or
  • At the rebalance, when ranked by total market capitalization, the security falls within the top quartile of eligible securities listed on the CSE.


Criteria for Index Deletions


Buffer rule - At each quarterly rebalance, current constituents are assessed to ensure they have a minimum market capitalization of $4 million. 

Companies involved in corporate actions which result in them no longer qualifying for the index are removed once the transaction is closed.


The CSE Composite Index  is published by Reuters and Bloomberg under the ticker name CSECOMP and the CSE25 has the ticker name CSE25.

Returns for CSE Composite Index (as of at Market Close March 7, 2025)

1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Since launch
-6.6% -8.0% -15.8% -28.1% -87.3%

Returns for CSE25 Index (as of at Market Close March 7, 2025)

1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Since launch
-6.8% -10.3% -29.0% -35.8% -77.2%

CSE Indices (as of at Market Close March 7, 2025)

Symbol Security Name Composite Weight Sector
GTII Green Thumb Industries Inc. 20.09% Life Sciences%
TRUL Trulieve Cannabis Corp. 9.52% Life Sciences%
ASE Asante Gold Corporation 5.01% Mining%
HODL Sol Strategies Inc. 4.14% Diversified Industries%
DRUG Bright Minds Biosciences Inc. 3.42% Life Sciences%
CL Cresco Labs Inc. 3.38% Life Sciences%
ACT Aduro Clean Technologies Inc. 1.96% CleanTech%
METX ME Therapeutics Holdings Inc. 1.89% Diversified Industries%
URB.A Urbana Corporation A NV 1.75% Diversified Industries%
GRIN Grown Rogue International Inc. 1.63% Life Sciences%
BOIL Beyond Oil Ltd. 1.59% Diversified Industries%
PLTH Planet 13 Holdings Inc. 1.59% Life Sciences%
HSLV Highlander Silver Corp. 1.36% Mining%
HBFG Happy Belly Food Group Inc. 1.27% Life Sciences%
CDPR Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc. 1.27% Mining%
AIAI NetraMark Holdings Inc. 0.96% Life Sciences%
VREO Vireo Growth Inc. 0.92% Life Sciences%
JUSH Jushi Holdings Inc. Class B Subordinate Voting Shares 0.76% Life Sciences%
HG Hydrograph Clean Power Inc 0.73% Technology%
GLAB Gemina Laboratories Ltd 0.72% Life Sciences%
FRG Forge Resources Corp. 0.68% Mining%
IAN iAnthus Capital Holdings Inc. 0.63% Life Sciences%
URL NameSilo Technologies Corp. 0.61% Technology%
BNXT BioNxt Solutions Inc. 0.60% Life Sciences%
PRME Prime Drink Group Corp. 0.59% Diversified Industries%
SANU Sanu Gold Corp. 0.56% Mining%
DTC Defence Therapeutics Inc 0.55% Life Sciences%
MRMD MariMed Inc. 0.55% Life Sciences%
WUC Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. 0.55% Mining%
INNO InnoCan Pharma Corporation 0.54% Life Sciences%
EPIC 1CM Inc 0.50% Life Sciences%
RAIL Railtown AI Technologies Inc 0.49% Technology%
BLO Cannabix Technologies Inc. 0.46% Technology%
YMC Yukon Metals Corp. 0.46% Mining%
MRM Micromem Technologies Inc. 0.46% Technology%
MTLC MTL Cannabis Corp. 0.40% Life Sciences%
USGD American Pacific Mining Corp. 0.39% Mining%
LEEF Leef Brands Inc. 0.37% Life Sciences%
BGX BGX - Black Gold Exploration Corp. 0.35% Mining%
JSDA Jones Soda Co 0.35% Diversified Industries%
APXC Apex Critical Metals Corp. 0.33% Mining%
MMET Miata Metals Corp. 0.32% Mining%
FOX Fox River Resources Corporation 0.32% Mining%
SONA Sona Nanotech Inc. 0.31% Technology%
EMPS EMP Metals Corp. 0.31% Mining%
BLLG Blue Lagoon Resources Inc. 0.31% Mining%
AYR.A Ayr Wellness Inc. S.V., RVS, L.V. 0.30% Life Sciences%
MILI Military Metals Corp. 0.30% Mining%
NICO Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Limited 0.30% Mining%
AXCP Axcap Ventures Inc. 0.29% Diversified Industries%
LEO Lion Copper and Gold Corp. 0.29% Mining%
KUYA Kuya Silver Corporation 0.29% Mining%
GTCH Getchell Gold Corp. 0.27% Mining%
GWAY Greenway Greenhouse Cannabis Corporation 0.27% Life Sciences%
AMQ Abitibi Metals Corp. 0.27% Mining%
TOC Tocvan Ventures Corp. 0.26% Mining%
CXXI C21 Investments Inc. 0.26% Life Sciences%
ARS Ares Strategic Mining Inc. 0.25% Mining%
VEXT Vext Science, Inc. 0.25% Life Sciences%
NF Nuclear Fuels Inc. 0.25% Mining%
CACR KWG Resources Inc. 0.24% Mining%
PHOS First Phosphate Corp. 0.24% Mining%
DOSE Rapid Dose Therapeutics Corp. 0.23% Life Sciences%
TRUE Treatment.com AI Inc. 0.23% Technology%
AUCU Inflection Resources Ltd. 0.22% Mining%
SX St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. 0.22% Mining%
CLTE Clara Technologies Corp. 0.22% Technology%
UDOC UniDoc Health Corp. 0.21% Technology%
TELI Telescope Innovations Corp. 0.21% Technology%
TTX Tantalex Lithium Resources Corporation 0.21% Mining%
VST Victory Square Technologies Inc. 0.21% Technology%
BUX BioMark Diagnostics Inc. 0.20% Life Sciences%
TN Tartisan Nickel Corp. 0.20% Mining%
SOL SOL Global Investments Corp. 0.20% Life Sciences%
NVRO EnviroGold Global Limited 0.20% CleanTech%
TONY Tony G Co-Investment Holdings Ltd. 0.20% Diversified Industries%
WIFI American Aires Inc. 0.20% Technology%
PAU Provenance Gold Corp. 0.19% Mining%
HYTN HYTN Innovations Inc 0.19% Life Sciences%
CCI Canadian Copper Inc. 0.19% Mining%
GXP Greenridge Exploration Inc. 0.18% Mining%
VOY Voyageur Mineral Explorers Corp. 0.18% Mining%
RWB Red White & Bloom Brands Inc. 0.18% Life Sciences%
PHRM PharmaTher Holdings Ltd. 0.17% Life Sciences%
IRV Irving Resources Inc. 0.17% Mining%
CUPA Cupani Metals Corp. 0.17% Mining%
SCPE Scope Technologies Corp. 0.17% Technology%
PWR Captiva Verde Wellness Corp. 0.17% Life Sciences%
CSR Copper Standard Resources Inc. 0.16% Mining%
CYBT Cybeats Technologies Corp. 0.16% Technology%
M Myriad Uranium Corp. 0.16% Mining%
API Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp 0.16% Mining%
AUOZ Emperor Metals Inc. 0.16% Mining%
MDMA Pharmala Biotech Holdings Inc. 0.15% Life Sciences%
RUU Refined Energy Corp. 0.15% Mining%
KBX Kobrea Exploration Corp. 0.15% Mining%
OPTI Optimi Health Corp 0.15% Life Sciences%
ARGL Argyle Resources Corp. 0.15% Mining%
GRBM Green Bridge Metals Corporation 0.14% Mining%
QIMC Quebec Innovative Materials Corp. 0.14% Mining%
SHRC Sharc International Systems Inc. 0.14% CleanTech%
TICO Talent Infinity Resource Developments Inc. 0.14% Mining%
DPRO Draganfly Inc. 0.13% Technology%
ZEUS Zeus North America Mining Corp. 0.13% Mining%
ERTH Replenish Nutrients Holding Corp. 0.13% CleanTech%
PM Pampa Metals Corporation 0.13% Mining%
RBTO Roberto Resources Inc. 0.13% Mining%
QIM Quimbaya Gold Inc. 0.13% Mining%
TRIP Red Light Holland Corp. 0.13% Life Sciences%
UE Urano Energy Corp. 0.13% Mining%
FTEL First Tellurium Corp. 0.13% Mining%
FFNT 4Front Ventures Corp. 0.13% Life Sciences%
PREV PreveCeutical Medical Inc. 0.13% Life Sciences%
SLV Silver Dollar Resources Inc. 0.13% Mining%
BIOV BioVaxys Technology Corp. 0.12% Life Sciences%
MAXX Max Power Mining Corp 0.12% Mining%
MEC Mustang Energy Corp. 0.12% Mining%
QNTM Quantum BioPharma Ltd. Class B Subordinate Voting Shares 0.12% Life Sciences%
NOM Norsemont Mining Inc. 0.12% Mining%
PBIT POSaBIT Systems Corporation 0.12% Technology%
NPRA Nepra Foods Inc. 0.12% Diversified Industries%
IP ImagineAR Inc. 0.12% Diversified Industries%
KING King Global Ventures Inc. 0.12% Mining%
GFCO The Good Flour Corp. 0.11% Diversified Industries%
AIML AI-ML Innovations Inc. 0.11% Life Sciences%
PTX PTX Metals Inc. 0.11% Mining%
LFLR LaFleur Minerals Inc. 0.11% Mining%
GEGC Great Eagle Gold Corp. 0.11% Mining%
TWOH Two Hands Corporation 0.11% Diversified Industries%
BTC Bluesky Digital Assets Corp. 0.11% Diversified Industries%
PMC Peloton Minerals Corporation 0.11% Mining%
FAT Foremost Clean Energy Ltd. 0.11% Mining%
HWG Headwater Gold Inc. 0.11% Mining%
BETR BetterLife Pharma Inc. 0.11% Life Sciences%
PAID XTM Inc. 0.11% Technology%
CUAU Forte Minerals Corp 0.11% Mining%
GLOW Glow LifeTech Corp 0.11% Technology%
KCLI American Critical Minerals Corp. 0.10% Mining%
PDO PUDO Inc. 0.10% Diversified Industries%
BFG Giant Mining Corp. 0.10% Mining%
AUMC Auric Minerals Corp. 0.10% Mining%
BLAB Britannia Life Sciences Inc. 0.10% Diversified Industries%
WG Westward Gold Inc. 0.10% Mining%
PPB P2P Group Ltd. 0.10% Diversified Industries%
HEAT Hillcrest Energy Technologies Ltd. 0.10% Technology%
RSG Rocky Shore Gold Ltd. 0.09% Mining%
FLM First Lithium Minerals Corp. 0.09% Mining%
SPIR Spirit Blockchain Capital Inc. 0.09% Technology%
ESAU ESGold Corp. 0.09% Mining%
FNDX FendX Technologies Inc. 0.09% Technology%
LIM Li-Metal Corp. 0.09% CleanTech%
RI Royalties Inc. 0.09% Diversified Industries%
OILS Nextleaf Solutions Ltd. 0.09% Life Sciences%
PLUG Energy Plug Technologies Corp. 0.09% Technology%
BAC BacTech Environmental Corporation 0.09% CleanTech%
ATHA Athena Gold Corporation 0.09% Mining%
TLP.UN Tier One Capital Limited Partnership 0.09% Diversified Industries%
NVPC Nova Pacific Metals Corp. 0.09% Mining%
LECR Leocor Mining Inc. 0.09% Mining%
PKK Tenet Fintech Group Inc 0.09% Technology%
CDVA CordovaCann Corp. 0.09% Life Sciences%
SPRK Spark Energy Minerals Inc. 0.09% Diversified Industries%
MVMD Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc. 0.08% Life Sciences%
BSKY BluSky Carbon Inc. 0.08% Technology%
ZTE ZTEST Electronics Inc. 0.08% Technology%
NUE NU E Power Corp. 0.08% CleanTech%
INVR Inverite Insights Inc. 0.08% Diversified Industries%
TRAI Trilogy AI Corp. 0.08% Diversified Industries%
AICO Generative AI Solutions Corp. 0.08% Technology%
FNQ Fineqia International Inc. 0.08% Diversified Industries%
SHOE Grounded People Apparel Inc. 0.08% Diversified Industries%
IMCC IM Cannabis Corp. 0.08% Life Sciences%
GCC Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. 0.08% Mining%
GDIG Gold Digger Resources Inc. 0.08% Mining%
FNAU Four Nines Gold Inc. 0.08% Mining%
DST Dundee Sustainable Technologies Inc. 0.08% Technology%
SIX Sixty Six Capital Inc. 0.08% Technology%
GSTR Glenstar Ventures Inc. 0.07% Mining%
FGH Forte Group Holdings Inc. 0.07% Life Sciences%
REDC Red Canyon Resources Ltd. 0.07% Mining%
STGX StrategX Elements Corp. 0.07% Mining%
MUSL Promino Nutritional Sciences Inc. 0.07% Life Sciences%
NTMC Neotech Metals Corp. 0.07% Mining%
AJN AJN Resources Inc. 0.07% Mining%
KAS Dynamite Blockchain Corp. 0.07% Technology%
CNCO Core Nickel Corp. 0.07% Mining%
MBAI MedBright AI Investments Inc. 0.07% Diversified Industries%
NTAR Nextech3D.AI Corporation. 0.07% Technology%
NFLD Exploits Discovery Corp. 0.07% Mining%
DCSI Direct Communication Solutions Inc. 0.07% Technology%
VRTX Vortex Energy Corp. 0.07% Mining%
METG Metaguest.AI Incorporated 0.07% Technology%
TROY Troy Minerals Inc. 0.07% Mining%
NEXU Nexus Uranium Corp. 0.07% Mining%
ER Eagle Royalties Ltd. 0.06% Mining%
AYUR Ayurcann Holdings Corp 0.06% Life Sciences%
CRTL Critical One Energy Inc. 0.06% Mining%
CXC CMX Gold & Silver Corp. 0.06% Mining%
ARQ Argo Gold Inc. 0.06% Mining%
PUMP Stock Trend Capital Inc. 0.06% Diversified Industries%
CLSH CLS Holdings USA, Inc. 0.06% Life Sciences%
CLC Christina Lake Cannabis Corp 0.06% Life Sciences%
GPK Grand Peak Capital Corp. 0.06% Diversified Industries%
CSS Cascada Silver Corp. 0.06% Mining%
ARM Armada Mercantile Ltd. 0.06% Diversified Industries%
SNA Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd. 0.06% Technology%
BCBC The BC Bud Corporation 0.06% Life Sciences%
IDK ThreeD Capital Inc. 0.06% Diversified Industries%
PXI Planet Ventures Inc. 0.06% Diversified Industries%
GURN Global Uranium Corp. 0.06% Mining%
MSM Metalsource Mining Inc. 0.06% Mining%
ULTH United Lithium Corp. 0.06% Mining%
GLM Golden Lake Exploration Inc. 0.06% Mining%
RGX Regenx Tech Corp. 0.06% CleanTech%
IAI infinitii ai inc. 0.05% Technology%
BATX Battery X Metals Inc. 0.05% Mining%
HERB Herbal Dispatch Inc. 0.05% Life Sciences%
EONX EonX Technologies Inc. 0.05% Technology%
SALI SALi Lithium Corp. 0.05% Mining%
TCF Trillion Energy International Inc. 0.05% Oil and Gas%
QCA Quinsam Capital Corporation 0.05% Diversified Industries%
TNY The Tinley Beverage Company Inc. 0.05% Diversified Industries%
RFR Renforth Resources Inc. 0.05% Mining%
SXTY Sixty North Gold Mining Inc. 0.05% Mining%
AMMP AmmPower Corp 0.05% Technology%
HUNT Gold Hunter Resources Inc 0.05% Mining%
VBAM Vital Battery Metals Inc. 0.05% Mining%
CRUZ Cruz Battery Metals Corp. 0.05% Mining%
ASEP ASEP Medical Holdings Inc. 0.05% Life Sciences%
STK Silverstock Metals Inc. 0.05% Mining%
AION Aion Therapeutic Inc. 0.05% Life Sciences%
BVCI Blockchain Venture Capital Inc. 0.05% Technology%
SCYB Scryb Inc. 0.05% Technology%
OMGA Omega Pacific Resources Inc. 0.05% Mining%
CFE Cartier Silver Corporation 0.04% Mining%
RAIN Rain City Resources Inc. 0.04% Mining%
QREE Quebec Rare Earth Elements Corp. 0.04% Mining%
RISE Rise Gold Corp. 0.04% Mining%
MIS Mistango River Resources Inc. 0.04% Mining%
WDGY Wedgemount Resources Corp 0.04% Mining%
CC Core Assets Corp. 0.04% Mining%
BYRG Bayridge Resources Corp. 0.04% Mining%
NSG Northstar Gold Corp. 0.04% Mining%
HML Heritage Mining Ltd. 0.04% Mining%
NUR Nuran Wireless Inc. 0.04% Technology%
PSYC Psyched Wellness Ltd 0.04% Life Sciences%
SPMT Spearmint Resources Inc. 0.04% Mining%
TAI Talmora Diamond Inc. 0.04% Mining%
FNI Fathom Nickel Inc. 0.04% Mining%
READ Legible Inc. 0.04% Technology%
PRR Prospect Ridge Resources Corp. 0.04% Mining%
BBM Blueberries Medical Corp. 0.04% Life Sciences%
AWKN Awakn Life Sciences Corp. 0.04% Life Sciences%
RSH Rush Rare Metals Corp. 0.04% Mining%
NCLR Basin Uranium Corp 0.04% Mining%
RED Big Red Mining Corp. 0.04% Mining%
LABZ Metasphere Labs Inc. 0.03% Technology%
PRIZ Prismo Metals Inc 0.03% Mining%
KOG KO Gold Inc. 0.03% Mining%
ARMY Armory Mining Corp. 0.03% Mining%
ELEM Element79 Gold Corp. 0.03% Mining%
MOOO Bettermoo(d) Food Corporation 0.03% Life Sciences%
DCLI Discovery Lithium Inc. 0.03% Mining%
SHOW Showcase Minerals Inc. 0.03% Mining%
BITE Blender Bites Limited 0.03% Diversified Industries%
ROAD Mineral Road Discovery Inc. 0.03% Mining%
LTHM Champion Electric Metals Inc. 0.03% Mining%
TEX Targa Exploration Corp. 0.02% Mining%
GRUV Protium Clean Energy Corp. 0.02% Mining%
KENY Makenita Resources Inc. 0.02% Mining%
RVV Revive Therapeutics Ltd. 0.02% Life Sciences%
AGC Avanti Gold Corp. 0.02% Mining%
GRHK Greenhawk Resources Inc. 0.02% Mining%
BOLT Bolt Metals Corp. 0.01% Mining%
CLI Cape Lithium Corp. 0.01% Mining%
RGR Rio Grande Resources Ltd. 0.01% Mining%
CISC Ciscom Corp. 0.01% Diversified Industries%
GLDS Golden Spike Resources Corp 0.01% Mining%
NDAT nDatalyze Corp. 0.01% Life Sciences%

CSE Composite Index (as of at Market Close March 7, 2025)

Portfolio Characteristics

Characteristic Value
Number of companies 279
Portfolio Capitalization (C$ Million) 10,662
Average Company Size (C$ Million) 38.2
Largest Company Size (C$ Million) 2,141.5
Median Company Size (C$ Million) 10.7
% Weight of Top 10 Holdings 52.79%

Sector Weight

Sector Weight
Life Sciences 53.03%
Mining 24.74%
Diversified Industries 12.77%
Technology 6.66%
CleanTech 2.76%
Oil and Gas 0.05%

CSE25 Index (as of at Market Close March 7, 2025)

Portfolio Characteristics

Characteristic Value
Number of companies 24
Portfolio Capitalization (C$ Million) 6,917
Average Company Size (C$ Million) 288.2
Largest Company Size (C$ Million) 2,141.5
Median Company Size (C$ Million) 157.3
% Weight of Top 5 Holdings 65.02%

Sector Weight

Sector Weight
Life Sciences 68.74%
Diversified Industries 15.35%
Mining 12.62%
CleanTech 3.02%
Technology 0.26%