Helius Medical Technologies Inc.
Helius Medical Technologies Inc.
Helius Medical Technologies Inc., through its wholly-owned subsidiary NeuroHabilitation Corporation, is dedicated to developing products that treat neurological symptoms caused by disease or trauma. The Company's Portable Neuro-modulation Stimulator ("PoNS") device that shows anecdotal promise is making it through the clinical trial process for the treatment of balance disorder in patients who suffered a traumatic brain injury ("TBI") or from neurological disease.
Helius Medical Technologies Inc. (HSM)
SEDAR Information
Company Info
2016-0408 - Delist - Helius Medical Technologies Inc.(HSM)
The common shares of Helius Medical Technologies Inc. will be delisted at the market close today, April 18, 2016.
Helius Medical Technologies Inc. will continue to trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange
Date: Market close, April 18, 2016
Symbol: HSM
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